3 Ingredients That Make a Successful SEO Campaign

I once baked some bread and forgot to add flour before I put it in the oven. Needless to say, it was a muddled inedible mess in the end. 

I don’t say that to impress you with my ineptitude when it comes to baking, but to stress the importance of adding all the ingredients to your SEO campaign.

So, what are the ingredients needed so your SEO efforts come out of the oven golden brown with the sweet smell of fresh revenue streams wafting through your company’s kitchen?

Ingredient #1: Content

It’s often said that “content is king”, and for good reason. But don’t just fill a blog with drivel and bury it somewhere on your website. Make it relevant to the people you serve and easy to access. And give it some personality while you’re at it.

Ingredient #2: Technical Fixes

Technical SEO includes parts of your website that your prospects don’t see. For example, your sitemap, navigation, and page speed. This part of SEO may seem as exciting as watching grass grow, but Google values your site based on how user-friendly it is. So, don’t ignore these details.

Ingredient #3: Backlinks

A backlink is a link that directs one website to another. The best ones come from a high-authority website and point to a website with less authority. High-quality backlinks implore Google to judge your website as trustworthy and grant you higher search result rankings. This is best done organically, so don’t buy backlinks and hope for results. Find relevant websites, reach out to them, and ask them if they’ll offer you a back link. Offer to give them one, as well.

Putting it All Together

Like any great recipe, SEO takes the right combination of ingredients to turn out the way we want it to. With time, effort, and a little bit of patience, you’ll see your SEO campaign pay you back many times over with a larger audience, more revenue, and a more prominent place amongst your competition. Just don’t forget the flour.


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